Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Part 1 "The Inmates are Running the Asylum"

Title: The Inmates are Running the Asylum

Author: Alan Cooper

Summary: For the first 7 chapters of the book, the author attempts to describe to the reader just what is wrong with most software that exists today. He gives us examples of how frustrating current software can be, and the reasons why software seems to follow a different production trend that does, say, construction. The author also describes the different types of people that use software, mainly discussing "the apologist" and "the survivor." The "apologist" in the context of the book is someone who enjoys using software despite the problems with interacting with it, due to the raw power that a piece of software might have. The "apologist" tends to accept poor software layout and frustrating design, and even boast about a piece of software, because of the potential power that it has, no matter how hard it is to use. The "survivor" in the context of the book is someone who is forced to use software, because of their job or another reason, but realizes how frustrating the software is to use, or blames the complicatedness of their interactions with the software on their own stupidity. The author also goes into detail describing current software implementation processes, and the main problem with it: No one thinks to design the software before implementing it in code. The author explains that software companies usually consist of businessmen and software engineers, who create a product that they would want to use, not necessarily what their customers want to use. They give no thought to hiring outside designers in order to facilitate their goals of increased sales due to user loyalty or pleasure with using their particular piece of software.

Near the end of the seventh chapter, the author begins to describe how programmers are different from most other human beings in the way that they view complexity. He says programmers tend to view complexity as a necessary obstacle in order to gain control, whereas the average human being would gladly relinquish control in order to avoid complexity. This attitude, the author says, gives the programmer "jock"-like qualities when it comes to the real world workplace, where mental creativity and strength are more highly valued, and where the programmer can truly take control again.

Shaun's Opinion: I thought that the first half of this book was a very interesting read, if a bit redundant. I can't really count how many times the author said something similar to "current software is implemented and not designed". I think most of what the author said is true of current software companies. The programmers tend to build programs around what is easiest to implement, not necessarily what is easy to use. And when their product fails, or gets beat out by the competition, they rarely give thought to poor design as the main cause, instead choosing to blame the lack of features, or some other irrelevant or potentially detrimental reason. I also thought the seventh chapter was humorous in that it felt like the author was attempting to establish dominance over the bullies in high school by elevating the programmer's mental capabilities to good height.

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